Historical Archives

It contains 184 parchments, the oldest of which dates back to the 12th century and numerous paper volumes and files containing various types of documentation. The entire archive of the 1900s is preserved here with books, texts, collections, bibliographic and historical-artistic material as well as the archives from the ECA (Municipal welfare), the “Opere Pie” organization and other charities. The archives were reorganised for the first time in 1903 by the lawyer, Zeffirino Fogante who put the classification of the documents into three distinct categories and lists: the first was composed of parchments pertaining to the years between 1131 and 1783, monographs and works regarding Montecassiano and prominent people; the second was composed of manuscripts and bound volumes pertaining to the period between 1396 and 1808 and lastly, the third category is composed of a collection of varied material.

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